
Posts by Ryan

War of the Arrows – 3/5 – Movie Reviews by RY!

War of the Arrows – 3/5 … I had to take a day to think about how I was going to review this movie; because this film  was a foreign film and it had a lack of a strong plot.  Being a film without a plot is something I find a big fault in most […]

End of Watch – 4/5 – Movie Reviews by RY!

End of Watch – 4/5 … Found footage films.  Very passé this kind of filming can be, but mostly are used in the horror genre.  The past couple years though, this style of filming has made its way into other genres like action and comedy, with some stellar results.  This movie is no exception.  Going […]

The Master – 3.5/5 – Movie Reviews by RY!

The Master – 3.5/5 … A tradition to most everything that is directed by Paul T. Anderson is the focus on character.  No matter what the film is about, or what the feeling is drawn from the plot of the story, the character always take focus to forefront and stand out the most.  The Master […]

Resident Evil: Retribution – 1.5/5 – Movie Reviews by RY!

Resident Evil: Retribution – 1.5/5 –   I went into this movie, knowing exactly what I was going to expect (guns, zombie-ish stuff, action etc.) but hoping, like other films with no deep storyline, characters or even cliché stuff, it could be, even for its generic=ism, it could be entertaining.  Greatly, I was disappointed that even […]

Anonymous – 3/5 – Movie Reviews by RY!

Anonymous – 3/5 – Uniqueness is something that gets lost in many films.  With the clump into typical genres, creativeness can get drowned out for the betterment of making money.  Sometimes those, we have films that, no matter where they are set, are unique on their own.  This is one of those films.  This film […]