Inside Out 2 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Inside Out 2 – From Joy to Anxiety: The Emotional Worth of Character
Within a journey, there is always a moment of reflection. No matter the time or place, when you peer into that moment, you get a renewed sense of purpose that builds personal worth forward. Through this kind of reflection, stories are born … which can turn into unforgettable experiences on the big screen. In this review, I look at the latest Disney/Pixar film. Within this latest sequel, we head into a journey that becomes much more than a kids’ film. From the imagination to the endearment of the heart, Inside Out 2 is an amazing sequel that showcases … what it means to grow up.
This is the story about Riley, a young girl who is entering the next stage of her life. With new things on the horizon, how will her old emotions mix in with the new? When it comes to Pixar, they put a prime thought towards good storytelling. From Toy Story to The Incredibles, they have provided us with an endless array of thoughtful journeys within imaginative worlds. What makes Pixar great is the ability to provide the awe and wonder of a child’s tale within an elevated sense of great characters and story. With this latest sequel, they continue that trend with a special dose of uniqueness. Coming into this film, we are reintroduced to Riley, as she has hit a new milestone: turning 13 and becoming a teenager. This pivotal moment leads to exposition and a colorful reintroduction to her old emotions (Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Anger). Through Joy’s narration, you learn that Riley is working through some personal conflicts, trying to find her sense of self with her friends at one final summer hockey camp together (before they head to different high schools). Once they arrive at camp, it leads into a series of unknown situations, including (for Riley), an introduction to new emotions (Anxiety, Envy, Shyness and Boredom). Once the new emotions come on board, it becomes a struggle of old vs. new, leading into a story that reflects upon the aspect of raw human interactions and the idea of self-worth. As the journey pulls and pushes the audience through moments of drama and comedy, the reflective nature of puns and colorful characters becomes a layered notion of what it truly means to growing up. From the buddy like road trip by Joy (and the old emotions) to the controlling of uncertainty by Anxiety (and the new emotions), the riveting sensations create moments that are wholesome, raw and truly awe inspiring. As Riley tries to figure out her next steps in life, the causality of layers brings to light the strength of Pixar’s storytelling.
As the conflict within Riley’s mind ensues, it creates an allure towards the imaginative appeal of the emotional journey. The onus of ‘growing up’ is built through the abstract nature of Pixar’s animation, leaving you with a feeling that moves beyond linear nuances to stand out in its own appeal. What the filmmakers do is create a sense of brevity beyond familiarity, leading to revelations that are obvious (to some) but are truly heartfelt (to everyone). As Riley’s emotions hit uncertainty of what comes next, we head into a third act that brings everything full circle in the idea of self-discovery. Inside Out 2 is a riveting sequel that propels with raw value and imaginative appeal. If you are a fan of Pixar, animated tales or truly great storytelling, this is one for you. There is a lot of fun to be had with this sequel, a truly award-winning experience.
Full Score – 4.5 out of 5 (Award Worthy)