A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – Movie Reviews by Ry!

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – Won’t You Be My, Inspiration
Inspiration comes in many forms. From a speech, friendly encounter or reading a novel, there are things in this world that will push a person towards change. This can also be experienced on the big screen. Films that push inspirational themes usually pull from real life elements. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is tale that captures the essence of one man’s influence upon many people’s childhood. A film inspired by truth, you have a story that reflects upon the human heart. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a soulful journey that gives true meaning of what it means to have a friend.
The story is based on the real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. In the film, the story is fictionalized around the character Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys). He is put on assignment by the magazine he works for to interview Fred Rogers (Tom Hanks). Along the way, the two form a bond that changes the hearts and minds forever. From the beginning, the direction introduces the plot through the shell of a bio-pic outline, but puts the focus on Lloyd Vogel. He is a very cynical magazine writer who has demons from his past. The first act lays the foundation about whom, what and the ideal conflict to come. With the journey cemented, convenient plot devices lead to the introduction of Fred Rogers. A man with a different kind of emotional fortitude, their initial interactions provides the crux of the overall plot. The shell of the bio-pic becomes a red herring to pull the audience into a more genuine character tale. What you have is a fictional tale about real life events, one that pushes forward overarching themes and emotional elements that are vivid and endearing for the audience. The rawness of the detail comes in the familiar settings of childhood vs adulthood, one that centers around the indifference of perspectives. This conflict builds up the relationship between Vogel and Rogers, allowing for subtlety to shine through the predictable storytelling. There relationship also allows for the secondary cast to push beyond their one-dimensional archetypes.
As the story continues through the second act, it slowly progresses Vogel down the path of the ‘change of heart’ scenario. The character becomes combative with acceptance, leading to melodramatic sequences and motivational encounters with Rogers. The rawness of human calamity is prime, but it is pushed through a combination of the family conflict element and voice of reason trope. This creates a sensation that is familiar but welcomed. Once in the third act, everything comes together through the common ‘revelation’ motif, leading to an epilogue that is befitting of any Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood episode. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is an inspirational tale that captures the heart of a relationship that is epitome of change. By providing a window that captures the spirit, it pushes forward true meaning for the audience. If you’re a fan of Mr. Rogers or like inspiration tales, this is one for you. I say it is worth the full price of admission, go see it at the theaters.
Full Score – 4 out of 5 (Full Price)