
Posts by Ryan

Hercules – 2/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Hercules – 2/5 – This is a review for a film that was released last year.  I finally got a chance to watch it this past week.   When it comes to sword and sandal films; they are rare breed of genre nowadays.  There may be a lot of reasons for a lack thereof; but one […]

Top 10 Films: War

Top 10 War Films When you think of war, you think of the countless stories and memories people have of them.  For any war (fact or fiction), there’s always a story to tell.  No matter if it is about the battles or will to survive, the tales speak of endearment on so many levels.  The […]

Aloha – 1/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Aloha – 1/5 – Scripts is the most important part of any film.  Writing something with decent driving themes and great characters is something that is hard to do.  There are times when a script can be ‘too’ much, and dialogue heavy scenes that have no real cohesive thread can be daunting.  Aloha is that […]

San Andreas – 2.5/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

San Andreas – 2.5/5 – Disaster films; it is the most generic kind of entertainment you can find on the big screen.  Regardless of whose acting, what the plot line is or the inevitable outcome; they always seem to play out the same way.  You are there for one thing; destruction.  Disaster films are a […]

Poltergeist – 1.5/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Poltergeist – 1.5/5 – Expectations; it is something that can sway an opinion one way or the other.  The outcome of any kind of entertainment can differ with expectations set (high or low).  I don’t follow this trend of setting an expected ‘bar’.  There are two things I aim for; to be entertained and if […]