
Posts by Ryan

White House Down – 2.5/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

White House Down – 2.5/5 – So bad, it is good; this is a statement you hear when referencing specific, if not outrageous films.  There are good films, and bad films, but there are those that are just so over-the-top, that they entertain in the simplistic and dumbfounded appeal they introduce on the screen.  White […]

Monsters University – 3.5/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Monsters University – 3.5/5 – Pixar films; they are regarded as some of the best films in the movie industry.  From the Toy Story trilogy, all the way to films like Up, Wall-E and many others, Pixar has always delivered gems.  The reason for their dominance in film making is that even though they produce […]

Anna Karenina – 2/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Anna Karenina – 2/5 – This is going to be a review for a movie that came out last year, and I got the chance to watch it on blu-ray.  Before going into this movie, I knew what I was expecting; a film filled with the ideals of love, surrounding a scenario that would introduce […]

World War Z – 3/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

World War Z – 3/5 – Zombies, Zombies and more zombies.  This genre specific theme has grown to be a popular thing for the masses.  From everything that is video games, clothing, popular events and most of all, movies, zombies are the fashion of now.  A lot of films have come out in the past […]

Man of Steel – 3.5/5 – Movie Reviews by Ry!

Man of Steel – 3.5/5 – Origin Stories; they are films that are filed with a lot of back story and character development.  All of this in a film of this type will ultimately lead to either a great narrative experience or a lackluster attempt at providing entertainment to the most basic need; appeal.  When […]