The Two Popes – Movie Reviews by Ry!

The Two Popes – Minds of Virtue, the Strength of Conversation
The idea of conversation brings about situations where being true is marked in speaking as you are. Stories are riveting to the core, and part of that comes from conversation. Beyond the action and adventure, the slapstick and tension, watching two characters converse can soothe the senses and provide true wholesomeness to the journey. At the heart of the script is the dialogue between characters. In the Two Popes, a drama inspired by true events, it provides a window into the conflict of ideas, but also how human even the most righteous can be. With strong performances and an endearment of meaning, The Two Popes is a riveting story that provide pursuit of an endless creed.
This story focuses on the conversations between Pope Benedict (Anthony Hopkins) and future Pope Francis (Jonathan Pryce), two men looking to find common ground for the future of the Catholic Church. The ideas that set the foundation of the film is based in the scripts use of dialogue. The traditional storytelling elements are pushed aside for the intimacy of characters. Here, you have two men with distinct beliefs, forging conversations that puts forward ideas of what makes their guidance as priest vivid and real. Without the reliance of visuals, bombastic sequences or overacting, the aspects of drama, comedy and suspense is done within the conversations of Pope Benedict and Francis. What makes it serene is the enduring sense of conflict within the irony of wholesomeness, respect and understanding of each side. At the heart is the amazing acting by Hopkins and Pryce. They are standouts in these roles, providing riveting emotional overtures to what makes their beliefs strong but flawed. Their individualism is predicated upon past consequences, but are uplifted within importance of change. Rigid and fluid, you get a contrast that makes for a relationship that feels real on the big screen.
As you see these two put forward their ideas, it purports a path forward. Forging a collective, there is a necessity of revelations of the past that makes everything raw and honest. The endearment is within the human condition, breathing levity through whimsical, wit and charm. The story of purpose is what marks the film’s strength, even when predictability is surrounding the script. Once the film heads into the final act, you are moved by the forging of the character dynamic. This makes the outcome feel purposeful. The Two Popes is a riveting tale of ideas colliding, providing the strength of conversation. Even as common storytelling elements are abandoned, the unique direction provides something interesting to watch. This is available on Netflix, but if it was in theaters, its worth seeing as a Matinee.
Full Score – 3.5 out of 5 (Theater Discount)